彭作刚,博士、研究员、博士生导师。教育部“国家级青年人才”。主要从事鱼类多样性与演化方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题等项目多项。担任学术期刊《Frontiers in Conservation Science》编委;世界自然保护联盟物种存续委员会(IUCN/SSC)鲟鱼专家组成员、中国鱼类学会理事。近年来在《GigaScience》、《Molecular Biology and Evolution》、《Molecular Ecology》、《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》、《Science》以及《中国科学:生命科学》、《水生生物学报》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文100余篇。
2007-2009,Georgia Institute of Technology,Research Scientist
1. 分子系统学(Molecular Systematics)
2. 保护遗传学(Conservation Genetics)
3. 进化基因组学(Evolutionary Genomics)
4. 环境DNA(Environmental DNA; eDNA)
1. 国家自然科学基金项目
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费重点/团队项目
4. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目
* 同等贡献(* equal contribution);# 通讯作者(# corresponding author)
1. Ni L., Jin L., Zeng M., Xu Y., Wang Y., Peng Z#. 2024. The cavefish Triplophysa rosa has a well-developed adaptive immune system: Evidence from histological and comparative genomic analysis. Aquaculture, 581: 740395.
2. Zhang J., Shu L., Peng Z#. 2024. Adaptive evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Triplophysa cavefishes. Gene, 893: 147947.
3. Shao F., Wu Z., Xu Y., Li P., Peng Z#. 2023. Genome of striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus) provides insights into the adaptive evolution of amphidromous fish. Zoological Research, 44: 349-352.
4. Ludwig A., Jahrl J., Congiu L., Gessner J., Friedrich T., Lieckfeldt D., Peng Z., Boner M. 2023. Poaching and illegal trade of Danube sturgeons. Current Biology, 33: R1184-R1185.
5. Zhao Q., Shao F., Li Y., Yi S.V.#, Peng Z#. 2022. Novel genome sequence of Chinese cavefish (Triplophysa rosa) reveals pervasive relaxation of natural selection in cavefish genomes. Molecular Ecology, 31: 5831-5845. (Faculty Opinions推荐)
6. Sun N., Yang L., Tian F., Zeng H., He Z., Zhao K., Wang C., Meng M., Feng C., Fang C., Lv W., Bo J., Tang Y., Gan X., Peng Z., Chen Y., He S. 2022. Sympatric or micro-allopatric speciation in a glacial lake? Genomic islands support neither. National Science Review, 9: nwac291.
7. Ni L., Xu Y., Zhao Q., Shao F., Peng Z#. 2022. Genome-wide characterization of the Toll-like receptor gene family in Triplophysa rosa and expression profiles in response to Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Aquaculture, 555: 738208.
8. Li Y., Burridge C.P., Lv Y., Peng Z#. 2021. Morphometric and population genomic evidence for species divergence in the Chimarrichthys fish complex of the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 159: 107117.
9. Shu L., Ludwig A., Peng Z#. 2021. Environmental DNA metabarcoding primers for freshwater fish detection and quantification: in silico and in tanks. Ecology and Evolution, 11: 8281-8294.
10. Chen S., Sheraliev B., Shu L., Peng Z#. 2021. Triplophysa wulongensis, a new cave-dwelling loach species (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Chongqing, Southwest China. ZooKeys, 1026: 179-192.
11. Shao F., Ludwig A., Mao Y., Liu N., Peng Z#. 2020. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the female western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). GigaScience, 9: giaa092.
12. Zhao Q., Zhang R., Xiao Y., Niu Y., Shao F., Li Y., Peng Z#. 2020. Comparative transcriptome profiling of the loaches Triplophysa bleekeri and Triplophysa rosa reveals potential mechanisms of eye degeneration. Frontiers in Genetics, 10: 1334.
13. Shu L., Ludwig A.#, Peng Z#. 2020. Standards for methods utilizing environmental DNA for detection of fish species. Genes, 11: 296.
14. Shao F., Han M., Peng Z#. 2019. Evolution and diversity of transposable elements in fish genomes. Scientific Reports, 9: 15399.
15. Luo D., Li Y., Zhao Q., Zhao L., Ludwig A.#, Peng Z#. 2019. Highly resolved phylogenetic relationships within order Acipenseriformes according to novel nuclear markers. Genes, 10: 38.
16. Shao F., Wang J., Xu H., Peng Z#. 2018. FishTEDB: a collective database of transposable elements identified in the complete genomes of fish. Database, 2018: bax106.
17. Park J.*, Peng Z.*, Zeng J., Elango N., Park T., Wheeler D., Werren J.H., Yi S.V. 2011. Comparative analyses of DNA methylation and sequence evolution using Nasonia genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28: 3345-3354.
18. Nasonia Genome Working Group (Peng Z. as a member). 2010. Functional and evolutionary insights from the genomes of three parasitoid Nasonia species. Science, 327:343-348.
E-mail: pzg(at)swu.edu.cn
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