许一丰,博士,教授,博士生导师。入选过国家级青年人才项目,农业农村部促进海峡两岸农业交流先进青年典型,重庆市高层次人才,重庆市海外联谊会常务理事,重庆市林科院等单位聘任专家。担任过教育部人才项目和多省市科技项目评审委员。主持或参与多项科研项目。研究工作围绕植物功能基因研究、分子育种、优异种质创制、逆境胁迫应答机制等方面。以辣椒和经济林木为材料,通过分子遗传筛选等策略,发掘与响应胁迫等有关调控因子,并结合现代化基因工程技术,进行优异种质创制。目前已在《Cell》、《Genes & Development》、《Molecular Plant》、《J Integr Plant Biol》、《Plant J》、《Plant Physiol Biochem》等国际重要学术刊物上发表多篇SCI论文,并担任多个国际学术期刊审稿人。获多项国家发明专利授权。指导研究生和本科生获国家级、市级、校级等项目支持。指导学生参加中国国际互联网+创新创业大赛获重庆市赛金奖、国赛银奖。承担本科生《遗传学》、《人类遗传与优生》和研究生《高级植物生理学》等课程。
2015.09-至今 重庆2023白菜网址官网大全全讯600cc大白菜官网游戏教授、博士生导师
论文发表:#同等贡献(#equal contribution);*通讯作者(corresponding author)
1. Zheng M*, Song Y, Wang L, Yang D, Yan J, Sun Y, Hsu Y-F* (2023) CaRH57, a RNA helicase, contributes pepper tolerance to heat stress. Plant Physiol Biochem, 205:108202. (IF: 6.5)
2. Wang Q, Lei S, Yan J, Song Y, Qian J, Zheng M*, Hsu Y-F* (2023) UBC6, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, participates in secondary cell wall thickening in the inflorescence stem of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem, 205:108152. (IF: 6.5)
3. Yan J#, Song Y#, Li M, Hu T, Hsu Y-F*, Zheng M* (2023) IRR1 contributes to de novo root regeneration from Arabidopsis thaliana leaf explants. Physiol Plant, 175(5):e14047. (IF: 6.4)
4. Wang L, Qian J, Li M, Zheng H, Yang X, Zheng M*, Hsu Y-F* (2023) Arabidopsis PDE1 confers phosphate-deficiency tolerance in primary root growth. Plant Cell Rep, 43(1):8. (IF: 6.2)
5. Zheng M*, Wang Q, Lei S, Yang D, Liu Y, Feng D, Huang X, Yang K, Qian J, Hsu Y-F* (2022) PtoMPO1, a negative mediator, functions in poplar drought tolerance. Plant Physiol Biochem, 190: 156-163. (IF: 6.5)
6. Qian J*, Zheng M, Wang L, Song Y, Yan J, Hsu Y-F* (2022) Arabidopsis mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins SSB1 and SSB2 are essential regulators of mtDNA replication and homologous recombination. J Integr Plant Biol, doi: 10.1111/jipb.13338. (IF: 11.4)
7. Wang Q, Lei S, Qian J, Zheng M*, Hsu Y-F* (2022) Overexpression of Tomato SIZ2 in Arabidopsis Improves Plant Salinity Tolerance. J Plant Growth Regul, oi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10667-5. (IF: 4.8)
8. Lei S, Wang Q, Chen Y, Song Y, Zheng M*, Hsu Y-F* (2022) Capsicum SIZ1 contributes to ABA-induced SUMOylation in pepper. Plant Science, 314:111099. (IF: 5.2)
9. Qian J, Li M, Zheng M, Hsu Y-F* (2021) Arabidopsis SSB1, a Mitochondrial Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein, is Involved in ABA Response And Mitochondrial RNA Splicing. Plant Cell Physiol, 62(8):1321-1334. (IF: 4.9)
10. Hsu Y-F#, Yan J#, Song Y, Zheng M* (2021) Sarracenia purpurea glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 5 confers plant tolerance to high humidity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiol Plant, 173: 1221-1229. (IF: 6.4)
11. Zheng M, Peng T, Yang T, Yan J, Yang K, Meng D, Hsu Y-F* (2021) Arabidopsis MHP1, a homologue of yeast Mpo1, is involved in ABA signaling, Plant Science, 304:110732. (IF: 5.2)
12. Qian J, Sun T, Yan J, Hsu Y-F*, Zheng M*(2020)Arabidopsis glucose-sensitive mutant 3 affects ABA biosynthesis and sensitivity during early seedling development. Plant Physiol Biochem, 156: 20-29. (IF: 6.5)
13. Zheng M#, Zhu C#, Yang T, Qian J, Hsu Y-F*(2020)GSM2, a transaldolase, contributes to reactive oxygen species homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol, 104 (1-2): 39-53. (IF: 5.1)
14. Kong X#, Hong Y#, Hsu Y-F, Huang H, Liu X, Song Z, Zhu JK*(2020)SIZ1-Mediated SUMOylation of ROS1 Enhances Its Stability and Positively Regulates Active DNA Demethylation in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 11:S1674-2052 (20) 30305-1. (IF: 27.5)
15. Zheng M#, Yang T#, Peng T, Zhu C, Fu Y, Hsu Y-F*(2019)Arabidopsis GSM1 is involved in ABI4-regulated ABA signaling under high-glucose condition in early seedling growth. Plant Science, 287: 110183. (IF: 5.2)
16. Hsiao Y-C#, Hsu Y-F#, Chen Y-C, Chang Y-L, Wang C-S* (2016) A WD40 protein, AtGHS40, negatively modulates abscisic acid degrading and signaling genes during seedling growth under high glucose conditions. J Plant Res,129:1127-1140. (IF: 2.8)
17. Hsu Y-F*, Hsiao Y-C, Wang C-S, Zhan X, Zhang H, Wang C-S* (2014) AtRRP6L1, a Homolog of Conserved Yeast Exosomal Rrp6p, Plays an Important Role in Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant, 7: 1490-1493. (IF: 27.5)
18. Hsu Y-F#, Chen Y-C#, Hsiao Y-C, Wang B-J, Lin S-Y, Cheng W-H, Jauh G-Y, Harada JJ, Wang C-S* (2014) AtRH57, a DEAD-box RNA helicase, is involved in feedback inhibition of glucose-mediated abscisic acid accumulation during seedling development and additively affects pre-ribosomal RNA processing with high glucose. Plant J, 77:119-135. (IF: 7.2)
19. Wang B-J, Hsu Y-F, Chen Y-C, Wang C-S* (2014) Characterization of a lily anther-specific gene encoding cytoskeleton binding glycoproteins and overexpression of the gene causes severe inhibition of pollen tube growth. Planta, 240:525-537. (IF: 4.3)
20. Hsu Y-F, Yu S-C, Yang C-Y, Wang C-S* (2011) Lily ASR protein-conferred cold and freezing resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem, 49: 937-945. (IF: 6.5)
21. He XJ#, Hsu Y-F#, Zhu S, Liu HL, Pontes O, Zhu J, Cui X, Wang C-S, Zhu JK* (2009) A conserved transcriptional regulator is required for RNA-directed DNA methylation and plant development. Genes Dev, 23: 2717-2722. (IF: 10.5)
22. He XJ#, Hsu Y-F#, Zhu S, Wierzbicki AT, Pontes O, Pikaard CS, Liu HL, Wang C-S, Jin H, Zhu JK* (2009) An effector of RNA-directed DNA methylation in Arabidopsis is an ARGONAUTE 4- and RNA-binding protein. Cell, 137: 498-508. (IF: 64.5)
23. He XJ#, Hsu Y-F#, Pontes O, Zhu J, Lu J, Bressan RA, Pikaard C, Wang C-S, Zhu JK* (2009) NRPD4, a protein related to the RPB4 subunit of RNA polymerase II, is a component of RNA polymerase IV and V and is required for RNA-directed DNA methylation. Genes Dev, 23: 318-330. (IF: 10.5)
24. Tzeng J-D, Hsu S-W, Chung M-C, Yeh F-L, Yang C-Y, Liu M-C, Hsu Y-F, Wang C-S* (2009) Expression and regulation of two novel anther-specific genes in Lilium longiflorum. J Plant Physiol, 166: 417-427. (IF: 4.3)
25. Hsu Y-F#, Tzeng J-D#, Liu M-C, Yei F-L, Chung M-C, Wang C-S* (2008) Identification of anther-specific/predominant genes regulated by gibberellin during development of lily anthers. J Plant Physiol, 165: 553-563. (IF: 4.3)
26. Hsu Y-F, Wang C-S*, Raja R (2007) Gene expression pattern at desiccation in the anther of Lilium longiflorum. Planta, 226:311-322. (IF: 4.3)
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E-mail:yifenghsu06@swu.edu.cn ; yifenghsu@163.com